Senin, 10 September 2012

Belajar Tenses Interaktif


Pada kesempatan kedua saya ingin berbagi tentang 16 tenses bahasa Inggris beserta aplikasi belajar tenses interaktif yang dimuat dalam flash (swf).


Pengertian TENSES adalah:
·        Suatu gambaran atau penjelasan kapan suatu pernyataan, perbuatan, tindakan, kegiatan , peristiwa, berita itu terjadi/berlangsung di dalam kalimat, sekarang, masa lampau, atau masa akan datang. Atau perubahan bentuk dari kata kerja (Verb) yang sesuai dengan waktu terjadinya/berlangsung suatu peristiwa dan keterangan waktunya (Tense).


Yaitu suatu kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, kegiatan, perbuatan yang terjadi pada hari ini atau kebiasaan sehari-hari.

(+) S + V1 + s/es + O + C
(-)  S + do/does + not + V1 + O + C
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O + C + ?

(+) I work hard everyday.
(-)  I do not  work hard everyday.
(?) Do I work hard everyday?

(+) Mother buys meat at the market.
(-)  Mother does not buy meat at the market.
(?) Does mother buy meat at the market?

Yaitu suatu kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, perbuatan, kegiatan, atau berita yang tejadi pada masa/waktu hari ini sedang berlangsung/terjadi/berlaku.

(+) S + To be (am, is, are) + V1 + Ing + O + C
(-)  S + To be (am, is, are) + not  + V1 + Ing + O + C
(?) To be (Am, Is, Are) + S + V1 + Ing + O + C + ?

(Untuk semua pokok kalimat baik jamak maupun tunggal)
a)      Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung.
(+) They are studying English now.
(-) They are not srudying English now.
(?) Are they studying English now?
b)      Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang bersifat sementara.
(+) She is reading now but she will write soon.
(-) She is not reading but she will write soon.
(?) Is she rading but she will write soon?
c)      Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dimaksud pada waktu yang akan datang.
(+) We are writing again in a few weeks.
(-) We are not writing again in a few weeks.
(?) Are we writing again in a few weeks?

Tidak semua kata kerja boleh dipakai dalam bentuk Present Continuous Tense meskipun kalimatnya diucapkan ketika peristiwanya sedang berlangsung.
            Ada sekelompok penting kata kerja yang biasanya tidak digunakan dalam present continuous.
a)      Verbs of emotion, kata-kata kerja yang menyatakan perasaa; to like, to dislike, to refuse, to want dan sebagainya.
·         I like Mr. Brown.
(BUKAN: Iam liking Mr. Brown).
·         I dislike classical music, so I refuse to listen to it.
(BUKAN: I am disliking classical music, so I am refusing to listen to it).
·         I want to see the doctor.
(BUKAN: I am wanting to see the doctor).
b)      Verbs of the sense, kata-kata kerja yang menyatakan hal yang berhubungan dengan pancaindera: to feel, to hear, to see, to smell, to taste dan sebagainya.
·         I feel heavy in the head.
·          I hear something.
·         I see something in the distance.
·         I smell something burning.
·         The food tasted really good.
c)      Verbs of thought or opinion, kata-kata kerja yang menyatakan pikiran atau pendapat: to believe, to expect, to forget, to know, to prefer, to realize, (menyadari), to think, to understand dan sebagainya.
·         I believe your word.
·         I expect to receive a letter soon.
·         I forget what she said.
·         I think English is easy to learn.
To think di sini digunakan dalam pengertian “mengira” atau “berpendapat”.
Bilamana digunakan dalam arti “memikirkan”, “to think” boleh dipakai dalam bentuk Present Continuous (atau Present Progessive).
·         I am thinking about the problem.
d)     Verbs of possessions, kata-kata kerja yang menyatakan: to own, to belong to, to owe, dan sebagainya.
·         He owns two cars.
(BUKAN: He is owning two cars).
·         I owe him five dollars.
(BUKAN: I am owing him five dollars).
Bentuk dasar kata kerja yang ditambah -ing disebut ING-FORM atau PRESENT PARTICIPLE.

(+) Iam teaching the students in the class now.
(-)  I am not teaching the students in the class now.
(?) Am I teaching the students in the class now?

(+) He is watching TV now.
(-)  He is not watching TV now.
(?) Is he watching TV now?

(+) They are sitting on the chair.
(-)  They are not sitting on the chair.
(?) Are they sitting on the chair?

Yaitu suatu kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, kegiatan, perbuatan atau berita yang terjadi pada hari ini dan telah selesai.

(+) S + have/has + V3 + O + C
(-)  S + have/has + not + V3 + O + C
(?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O + C + ?

a)      Dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau dan masih ada kaitannya dengan waktu sekarang.
·         (+) She has taught English since five years ago.
(-) She has not taught English since five years ago.
(?) Has she taught English since five years ago?

·         (+) I have lived here for three years.
(-) I have not  lived here for three years.
(?) Have I lived here for three years?

b)      Menyatakan peristiwa yang telah terjadi.
·         (+) I have seen it.
(-) I have not seen it.
(?) Have I seen it?

c)      Menunjukkan suatu perbuatan ulangan pada waktu yang tidak tertentu sebelum sekarang. Dalam hal ini sering dipakai kata-kata seperti before, already, ever, never, yet.

·         I have heard this before.
·         I have already seen him.
·         Have you ever been there?
·         I haven’t ever been there.
·         I have never been there.
·         The bus hasn’t stopped yet.
·         The postman has not come yet but will come soon.

d)     Menunjukkan perbuatan yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat. Dalam hal ini sering dipakai kata-kata seperti at last, finally, just, recently.
·         The time has at last arrived.
·         Finally, she has started to sing.
·         I have just spoken to him.
·         I have seen him recently.
Ingat, jangan menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau pada present perfect tense.
(+) I have taught this class for five years.
(-)  I have not taught this class for  five years.
(?) Have I taught this class for five years?

(+) It has rained since November.
(-)  It has not rained since November.
(?) Has it rained since November?

Adalah untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/peristiwa yang telah mulai dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dan masih terus berlangsung sampai sekarang.

(+) S + have/has + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + have/has + not + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) Have/Has + S + been + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

(+) They have been staying in Bali since 1992.
(-)  They have not been staying in Bali since 1992.
(?) Have they  been staying in Bali since 1992?

(+) Andi has been working for three hours.
(-)  Andi has not been working for three hours.
(?) Has Andi been working for three hours?

(+) I have been staying at his place this month.
(-) I have not been staying at his place this month.
(?) Have I been staying at his place this month?

(+) We have been waiting for you since eight o’clock.
(-) We have not been waiting for you since eight o’clock.
(?) Have we been waiting for you since eight o’clock?

(+) She has been studying English for over three years.
(-) She has not been studying English for over three years.
(?) Has she been studying English for over three years.


Adalah suatu kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, perbuatan, pekerjaan atau kegiatan yang terjadi/berlaku pada masa lampau (masa lalu).

(+) S + V2 + O + C
(-)  S + did + not + V1 + O + C
(?)  Did + S + V1 + O + C + ?

(+) I studied English last night.
(-)  I did not study English last night.
(?) Did I study English last night?

(+) He helped me last week.
(-)  He did not help me last week.
(?) Did he help me last week?

Adalah untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung/terjadi pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau.

(+) S + To Be (was, were) + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + To Be (was, were) + not  + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) To Be (Was, Were) + S + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

a.       Menyatakan perbuatan yang sudah dimulai dan masih berlangsung ketika perbuatan lain menyusul pada waktu lampau.
·         While I was bathing in the river I heard a fearful cry.
·         When you called me, I was listening to the radio.
·         They were talking about sports when I met them.
b.      Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
·         (+) He was watching television all afternoon yesterday.
(-)  He was not watching television all afternoon yesterday.
(?) Was he watching television all afternoon yesterday?

(+) She was reading a book.
(-)  She was not reading a book.
(?) Was she reading a book?

(+) We were listening to the radio.
(-)  We were not listening to the radio.
(?)  Were we listening to the radio?

Yaitu suatu kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, pekerjaan, perbuatan, kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan telah selesai.

(+) S + had + V3 + O + C
(-)  S + had + not + V3 + O + C
(?) Had + S + V3 + O + C + ?

Dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah selesai sebelum suatu perbuatan lain dilakukan pada masa lampau.
Umpamanya, pertimbangkan dua buah peristiwa yang berikut ini:
1)      On Sunday morning, I painted my car.
2)      At lunch-time, my brother arrived.
Namun untuk menggabungkan kedua peristiwa itu, kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense.
·         When my brother arrived, I had painted my car.
Tegasnya Past Perfect harus digunakan apabila waktu suatu perbuatan lampau adalah lebih lampau daripada perbuatan yang lain. Perbuatan yang pertama selesai kita gunakan Past Perfect dan perbuatan yang kedua kita gunakan Simple Past Tense.
·         The train had left before I arrived.
·         I had copied the lesson before she came home.
·         She told me her name after I had asked her twice.

(+) We had gone to Medan last week.
(-)  We had not gone to Medan last week.
(?) Had we gone to Medan last week?

(+) She had studied it very well.
(-)  She had not studied it very well.
(?) Had she studied it very well?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang telah dimulai dan masih berlangsung di waktu lampau.

(+) S + had + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + had + not + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) Had + S + been + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

Berlaku untuk semua pokok kalimat

Bentuk ini dipakai untuk menunjukkan perbuatan yang berlangsung terus pada waktu lampau.
·         When I finished my dinner, Peter had been playing chess.
·         When I came to Surabaya in 1980, he had already been living there about five years.

(+) They had been living here for two years.
(-)  They had not been living here for two years.
(?)  Had they been living here for two years?

(+) She had been being sick for three days.
(-)  She had not been being sick for three days.
(?) Had she been being sick for three days?


Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan terjadi di masa akan datang.

(+) S+ shall/will + V1 + O + C
(-)  S+ shall/will+ not + V1 + O + C
(?) Shall/Will+ S + V1 + O + C + ?

a)      Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.
·         (+) He will post the letter.
(-) He will not post the letter.
(?) Will he post the letter?

·         (+) I shall go to Mojosari tomorrow.
(-) I shall not go to Mojosari tomorrow.
(?) Shall I go to Mojosari tomorrow?
b)      Dipakai untuk membuat suatu janji pada waktu yang akan datang.
·         (+) He will meet you by ten.
(-) He will not meet you by ten.
(?) Will he meet you by ten?

·         (+) She will help you with your homework tomorrow.
(-) She will not help you with your homework tomorrow.
(?) Will she help you with your homework tomorrow?
c)      Dipakai untuk menunjukkan syarat.
·         He will give you a good dictionary if you go with him.
d)     Dipakai untuk memohon kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
·         Will you please help me to get the book.

(+) We shall go to America tomorrow.
(-)  We shall not go to America tomorrow.
(?) Shall we go to America tomorrow?

(+) He will visit us next week.
(-)  He will not visit us next week.
(?) Will he visit us next week?

Adalah untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan sedang dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.
Dan Tense ini, seperti juga Past Continuous Tense, tidak dipakai sendiri, tetapi selalu dipakai bersama-sama dengan perbuatan lain, baik disebutkan atau tidak.

(+) S + shall/will + be + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + shall/will + not + be + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) Shall/Will + S + be + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

(+) We shall be buying a book next week.
(-)  We shall not be buying a book next week.
(?) Shall we be buying a book next week?

(+) I shall be studying if you come at seven o’clock tonight.
(-)  I shall not be studying if you come at seven o’clock tonight.
(?) Shall I be studying if you come at seven o’clock tonight?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa akan datang.

(+) S + shall/will + have + V3 + O + C
(-)  S + shall/will + not + have + V3 + O + C
(?) Shall/Will + S + have + V3 + O + C + ?

(+) She will have spoken English well next week.
(-)  She will not have spoken English well next week.
(?)  Will she have spoken English well next week?

(+) I shall have finished my work tomorrow night.
(-)  I shall not  have finished my work tomorrow night.
(?) Shall I have finished my work tomorrow night?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang telah sedang dilakukan atau terjadi pada suatu saat di masa yang akan datang pada saat perbuatan atau keadaan lain terjadi.
Sebenarnya perbuatan atau keadaan tersebut belum terjadi atau dilakukan, namun pada suatu saat nanti (di masa yang akan datang) perbuatan tersebut akan telah sedang terpenuhi.

(+) S + shall/will + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + shall/will + not + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) Shall/Will + S + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

(+) Alice will have been waiting you tomorrow.
(-)  Alice will not have been waiting you tomorrow.
(?) Will Alice have been waiting you tomorrow?

(+) I shall have been studying for two hours when you come tonight.
(-)  I shall not have been studying for two hours when you come tonight.
(?) Shall I have been studying for two hours when you come tonight?


Adalah bentuk waktu untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang akan dilakukan atau terjadi di waktu lampau. Perbuatan tersebut sudah direncanakan tetapi seringkali tidak terlaksana.

(+) S + would/should + V1 + O + C
(-)  S + would/should + not + V1 + O + C
(?) Would/Should + S + V1 + O + C + ?

a)      Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu lampau
·         (+) I should go to Balikpapan the following day.
(-) I should not go to Balikpapan the following day.
(?) Should I go to Balikpapan the following day?
·         (+) He would buy a car the previous day.
(-) He would not buy a car the previous day.
(?) Would he buy a car the previous day?
b)      Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan bila syaratnya dipenuhi, pada waktu lampau.
·         (+) He would come if you invited him.
(-) He would not come if you invited him.
(?) Would he come if you invited him?

(+) I should come here for a lunch yesterday, but it was raining.
(-)  I should not come here for a lunch yesterday.
(?) Should I come here for a lunch yesterday?

(+) She would take me to the party last night, but I went out.
(-)  She would not take me to the party last night.
(?)  Would she take me to the party last night?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan atau keadaan yang akan sedang berlangsung di masa lampau, tetapi karena ada sesuatu atau lain hal maka perbuatan tersebut tidak jadi dilaksanakan.
Kalimat dengan menggunakan bentuk waktu Past Future Continuous Tense tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tetapi selalu ada peristiwa atau perbuatan lain yang mengikutinya.

(+) S + should/would + be + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + should/would + not + be + V1 + ing + O + C
(?) Should/Would + S + be + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

(+) She would be teaching at the class by seven o’clock tomorrow morning.
(-)  She would not be teaching at the class by seven o’clock tomorrow morning.
(?)  Would she be teaching at the class by seven o’clock tomorrow morning?

(+) I should be being here in time last night if I didn’t get any trouble on the way.
(-)  I should not be being here in time last night if I get any trouble on the way.
(?) Should I be being here in time last night if I didn’t get any trouble on the way?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan, tindakan atau keadaan yang akan telah selesai di masa lampau. Dan perbuatan tersebut seharusnya telah lengkap pada suatu waktu di masa lampau.
Atau dapat dikatakan bentuk waktu ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengandai pada waktu lampau, dimana yang semestinya akan telah terjadi apabila pada saat itu suatu syarat terpenuhi.

(+) S + should/would + have + V3 + O + C
(-)  S + should/would + not + have + V3 + O + C
(?) Should/Would + S + have + V3 + O + C + ?

(+) We should have graduated if we had studied hard.
(-)  We should not have graduated if we had not studied hard.
(?) Should we  have graduated if we had studied hard?

(+) She would have come if you had invited her.
(-)  She would not have come if you had not invited her.
(?) Would she have come if you had invited her?

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang seharusnya sudah sedang berlangsung pada suatu waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

(+) S + should/would + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(-)  S + should/would + not + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C
(?)  Should/Would + S + have + been + V1 + ing + O + C + ?

(+) I should have been living here for two years.
(-)  I should not have been living here for two years.
(?)  Should I have been living here for two years?

(+) Ekky would have been watering the flower for months.
(-)  Ekky would not have been watering the flower for months.
(?)  Would Ekky have been watering the flower for months?

Untuk mendownload aplikasi belajar tenses, dapat sobat klik dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat :)

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